Balistapus Undulatus Fishbase

In Fisch 521 views

Description named used page. Biblio records for balistapus undulatus.

Balistapus Undulatus Park 1797 Seatizens

The scales of the caudal peduncle with 2 longitudinal rows of large anterior projecting.

Balistapus undulatus fishbase. The orange lined triggerfish balistapus undulatus is a demersal triggerfish. Pot arribar als 30 cm de llargària total. 1953 check list of philippine fishes.

The species is currently present in 51 of them endemic native introduced. Enlarged scales above the pectoral fin base and just behind the gill opening to form a flexible tympanum. Balistapus undulatus és un peix teleosti de la família dels balístids i de l ordre dels tetraodontiformes.

Dorsal soft rays total. Rau 1980 commercial marine fishes of the central philippines bony fish. Although balistapus is a monotypic genus it is closely related to the genus balistoides.

N 180 sort by ref. On the great barrier reef. Front of eye without the elongate groove.

However we think it can be useful for users to assess the quality of information in fishbase to start new work on the family or to cross check with other lists. Es troba des de les costes del mar roig fins a les de kwazulu natal sud àfrica les illes marqueses les tuamotu sud del japó nova caledònia i el sud de la gran barrera de corall. The orange lined triggerfish has a dark brown to dark.

20 24 this species is distinguished by the following characters. Balistapus undulatus was reported from 51 countries islands table 1. Rather it reflects the current content of fishbase and the progress with respect to synchronization with the catalog of fishes.

Possible in 0 of them stray questionable.

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Tags: #balistapus undulatus fishbase

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